Why I became an author?

While going through a divorce from my first marriage I often joked that we should be featured in a movie, or a reality show, it was just that dramatic and unbelievable at times.  After getting through that divorce and with drama still unfolding, I was so happy that things were finalized that I just wanted to keep it behind me.  Then one night, plain as day, in a dream, the vision was given to me to share/tell my story in a book.  It wasn’t until after I released this book “Not Easily Bothered: From A Vengeful Driven Divorce To A Much Happier Life”, that I realized why I was given this vision.  There were so many people who had their own interpretation of my very own story, but I was the only one that lived it, as I had no idea who these people were.  These people took time out of their precious days to try and publicly humiliate me, slander me, and simply judge me continuously because I shared my side of the story of which they had originally heard only one side, the other side.

 Of course I did not allow the evilness, immaturity, and maliciousness of others to deter me.  I simply ignored them, and carried on revealing my story to the world. Soon their negative reviews and remarks were removed, no matter how many times they tried they never stuck and those internet trolls were left to laugh at themselves. My book is a success and continues to help others through any relationship battle, and is a guide to helping those who are struggling with their very own happiness. When people take their time to judge you, to misinterpret you, it says nothing about you and your character but everything about them and their character.

In their attempt to make me look like this bad person, people could only see the bad in what they were doing. Never pass judgement on someone based off what you have heard about them, get to know people for yourself because people will lie in every attempt to make themselves look better without ever mentioning what they did to cause turmoil in the first place.  Live your life, do what makes you happy because at the end of the day people are gonna talk about you no matter what and it’s not always going to be topics of greatness.


  • Well put. Your story is uplifting and motivates to think positive about moving forward. Thank you.

    Silvia Lewis
  • Hey , your testimony is awesome. No can tell your story like you can tell it. May God bless you.

  • Awesome so happy for you continue to be a blessings to others


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